Life in Louisiana.
There’s only one way to live it.
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Go Coast now airs Fridays at 9:30pm, Sundays at 8:30pm,
and Mondays at 1:00pm on WLAE-TV New Orleans

GO Coast: Louisiana’s Host Wins Emmy For
Second Consecutive Year!
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Exploring Terrebonne Parish, Go Coast’s host Tom Gregory discovers it’s easy to pass a good time with the good people of this area named “the good earth”.[+]
Adventure is in abundance in the land where the continent’s largest swamp meets the America’s Third Coast and host Tom Gregory wants to experience it all while he’s in St. Mary Parish.[+]
In this episode of Go Coast: Louisiana, Emmy Award winning host Tom Gregory explores the cultural treasures, the scenic beauty and the bountiful world-class fishing of New Orleans' most historic neighbor—St. Bernard Parish.[+]
New Orleans, La.- Go Coast Louisiana is "Going Coastal" this Sunday, July 21 this special episode, host Tom Gregory takes a "walk on the wild side" of the Louisiana Gulf Coast. Pirates, cannons, hot sauce and various forms of wildlife are only part of this look back at some of the people and places that make this area so unique. Go Coast’s host Tom Gregory gets up close and personal with a few alligators, reenacts a Civil War Battle, discovers the heat of the Tabasco factory, and walks the plank at The Contraband Days Festival…and that’s just a few of the adventures in this episode. [+]
New Orleans, La. (March 23, 2013)—WLAE-TV will premiere the Lafourche Parish episode of the Emmy Award winning program Go Coast: Louisiana Sunday April 21 at 8:30PM. Go Coast’s Host Tom Gregory treks down Bayou Lafourche, “the longest street in the world” and rediscovers the people, the places and the culture of this Louisiana treasure. From Thibodaux’s history to kayak fishing out of Bobby Lynn's Marina in Leeville, Tom goes back to the bayou; back to Lafourche Parish where his broadcasting career started 20 years ago. [+]
Airing Friday, March 29, 10:30 pm on LPB, Saturday, March 30, 02:00 pm on LPB, Sunday, March 31, 08:30 pm on LPB2, and Monday, April 1, 12:30 am on LPB. Host Tom Gregory travels to “The Most Cajun Place on Earth”. In Vermilion Parish, Tom discovers the history about how the Cajuns came to Louisiana. While there, Tom revels in Abbeville’s Giant Omelette Celebration and witnesses firsthand the return of the endangered Whooping Crane to Louisiana. Also after catching musicians D.L. Menard and Michael Juan Nunez play live at an old livestock auction house, Tom hits the stage at a Cajun Music Jam in Erath. And if you are in Cajun Country, there will be food! [+]